Stephen L. Thompson’s April 2013 Newsletter

Welcome to my electronic newsletter, covering April 2013.

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My publication news for the past month:
Publication of my short story “Lonely Phoenix” for Kindle.
Publication of “Morning’s Find” on Miniature Fiction.

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This month I wrote 9,927 words giving me a yearly total so far of 40,682.  My goal this year is to write 120,000 words, so I am still on track for that.  But I almost wasn’t.  There were a couple weeks were I had trouble just sitting down and writing a sentence.  I need to average about 330 words a day to meet my goal, and there were days were I only wrote four or seven or maybe thirty.  Fortunately, in the last week I’ve come close to breaking 1,000 words on three days, and I did actually break it on two.  So that’s how I made up for it.

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To give a head’s up, in June I will once again have my 30 Stories in 30 Days Challenge.  It should be interesting, because most of my ideas of late have been for longer works, like novellas.  Hopefully, I’m not out of short ideas I can write in a day.

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One of the writing groups I’m in had a poetry reading event that started a few hours after the bombings in Boston.  This was just something I whipped out that night.

some jackass bomber –
yet people still gather to
read their poetry

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