Stephen L. Thompson’s June 2012 Newsletter


Welcome to my electronic newsletter, covering June 2012.

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My publication news for the past month:

Publication of my short story “Check Brain” on my Ficly profile.

Also, my first two books – A Man of Few Words and The All-You-Can-Read Buffet – are now available to download to Kindle.

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This month I wrote 7,845 words, giving me a yearly total so far of 53,478, meaning, that at the halfway point in the year I’m well over halfway point to my goal of 80,000 words this year.

There were three days in June when I did not write.  Two were because I was sick and one because I was traveling.  So I now have fourteen free, no-writing days left.

I didn’t write any chapters this month for my novel None of Them Knew the Color of the Sky.  I’m starting to think I may have to set it aside, again, until I can finish up several other projects.  Of course, these other projects will probably keep me busy for the next several years.  One of these days, I will have to sit down and work out my priorities.

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Last month I said my main goal for June was to finish the first draft of my third short story anthology, Political Pies.  Well, I have done that, and after I give it a second go through I’ll be asking some friends to read through it looking for typos and stuff like that.  For now, it looks like I am on track to self-publish it in October.

When I uploaded my books to Kindle, I learned that it’s pretty easy to do that.  I have seen where people put five or six short stories together and sell them as a minianthology for $0.99.  Well, I have a lot of stories just sitting around, so I’ve started putting together my own minianthology, Brain for Rent and Other Stories.  The one story I’m including is being critiqued by one of my writing groups and they won’t finish with it until August, so the first draft of it won’t be done until then, but since it’s much shorter and I’m only doing a Kindle version, my hope is to have that up in October as well.  You will be hearing more about both over the next few months.

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Here is my story board at the end of June:

If you compare it to last month, you’ll see it looks a bit different.  (I’m not talking about the blog, that was just to cover up the flash.) That’s because my niece wanted to play school teacher and teach me how to add.  It needed cleaned off, since it took my twenty minutes or so to wipe off the “dry erase” stuff.

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I know I’ve often said that I meant to write a story for my newsletter this month, and I’ll admit that I did think about it, but nothing seemed to come up.  It’s possible I may just stop trying to write stories for this, but that’s something else I need to sit down and think about.  I’ll let you know what I come up with.


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